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Страница “Sample”

When you log in to your account, the “Samples” page opens, consisting of the following elements:

  1. Navigation path;
  2. “Menu” button
  3. “Full Screen Mode” button;
  4. “User” button;
  5. Toolbar;
  6. “More” menu;
  7. Table of samples.

Навигационная цепочка

The navigation path displays the path to the open page. Click on the navigation path element to go to the corresponding page.

Главное меню

The “Menu” button opens the main menu consisting of five items used to navigate around the website:

  1. “Samples”;
  2. “Patients”.
  3. “Archive”;
  4. “Log”;
  5. “Quality control”;
  6. “Settings”;

The “Full Screen Mode” button opens the page in full screen. To exit the full-screen mode, click the “Full Screen Mode” button again or press the “Esc” key on the keyboard.

“User” button

Меню пользователя

The “User” button opens the user menu consisting of the following items:

  • “Change password” — changing the current password;
  • “Log out” — logging out of the account.
  • “Pathoview account” — displayed only when the Pathoview account is connected, shows the currently connected account.
    • “Log out” — logging out of the Pathoview account.


Панель инструментов

The set of buttons on the toolbar depends on the selection of samples in the table. The toolbar consists of the following elements:

  1. “Refresh” — refreshes the table of sample;
  2. “Filter” — adds sample filters;
  3. “Table View” — displays samples as a table;
  4. “Slides View” — displays samples as a gallery;
  5. “Share” — provides a link to the sample, the button is available when you select a sample from the table or gallery of samples;
  6. “Send to Pathoview” — sends the sample to the personal storage on Pathoview.

“More” menu

Меню «Дополнительно»

The "More" menu contains tools for work with the sample selected in the table:

  1. “In Progress” — changes the sample status to “In Progress”;
  2. “Delayed” — changes the sample status to “Delayed”;
  3. “Completed” — changes the sample status to “Completed”;
  4. “Pathology flag” — selects the pathology flag state: “Normal”, “Pathology”;
  5. “Archive” — sends the sample to the archive, only available for the samples with “Completed” status;
  6. “Report” — shows the sample report, only available for the samples with “Completed” status;
  7. “LIS” — receiving and sending samples to the LIS;
  8. “Delete” — deletes the samples.

All samples uploaded by the user (users) are displayed as a table or a gallery, depending on the selected display mode.

Таблица проб

The set and order of columns in the sample table is configured in the settings. By default, the table of samples consists of the following columns:

  • “Sample selection box” — allows you to select a sample from the table;
  • “Slide View” — displays the thumbnail of the digital slide;
  • “Sharing” — allows you to copy the link to a shared sample;
  • “Flag” — displays the state of out of reference range flag;
  • “Pathology flag” — displays the state of the pathology flag;
  • “Status” — displays the status of the samples;
  • “Sample Date” — displays the date of sampling;
  • “Last Change Date” — displays the date of the last change made to the sample;
  • “Id — displays the sample Id;
  • “Type” — displays the sample type;
  • “Note” — displays the sample note;
  • “Size” — displays the size of the storage space occupied by the sample.

Сортировка по столбцу «Размер»

To sort by column, hover over the selected column, click on the drop-down list icon and select the sorting option: “Sort asc”, “Sort desc”.

Галерея проб

The gallery displays thumbnails of digital slides.

Информация о пробе

To view the sample information, hover the cursor over the sample image and click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the image.

Sending samples to Pathoview

Кнопка “Send to Pathoview”

To send a sample to the personal storage on Pathoview, select the required sample in the list by checking the box to the left of the sample image, the click the “Send to Pathoview” button.

“Pathoview account” window

If the Pathoview account is not connected, a window will appear prompting you to connect the account. Enter your account details and click “OK”. Once the account in connected, the sample will be sent to your personal storage on Pathoview.

Прогресс отправки пробы

While sending the samples, you will see a window with the progress bar and a button to cancel the process.

Shared access

Кнопка “Share”

The user without an account can view samples via a special link. To share such a link, select the sample in the list by clicking on the checkbox to the left of the sample image. Click on the "Share" button.

Всплывающее меню “Share”

In the pop-up menu, click on the "Share" slider (1) and then click "Copy link" (2). The link to the sample will be copied to the clipboard.

Кнопка “Copy link”

Once the "Share" option has been enabled for the sample, you can get the link to the sample from the sample table. To do this, click "Copy link" in the row with the required sample. The link to the sample will be copied to the clipboard.