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Samples can be sent to the archive both manually and automatically. Automatic sending of samples is performed according to the rules set in the settings in the “Archiving” section.

To go to the “Archive” page, click on the corresponding item in the main menu.

Страница “Archive”

The “Archive” page consists of the following items:

  1. “Refresh” — refreshes the table of sample;
  2. “Filter” — adds sample filters;
  3. “More” — operations with the samples selected in the table:
    • “Report” — displays a report for the selected samples;
    • “Delete” — deletes the selected samples;
  4. Table of samples.

The set and order of columns in the sample table is configured in the settings.

Сортировка по столбцу «Размер»

To sort by column, hover over the selected column, click on the drop-down list icon and select the sorting option: “Sort asc”, “Sort desc”.

To view the sample, click on the sample row in the table.