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Quality Control

The “Quality Control” page contains data on the calculation of operational characteristics allowing to evaluate: diagnostic sensitivity and diagnostic specificity — the predictive value of positive and negative results, as well as diagnostic efficiency — the likelihood ratio of positive and negative results.

To go to the “Quality Control” page, click on the corresponding item in the main menu.

Страница “Quality Control”, проба CBC

The “Quality Control” page consists of the following items:

  1. “Refresh” — refreshes the table of sample;
  2. Drop-down list with sorting options by sample type: “CBC”, “BM”, ”BF”, ”Pap”, ”Pap ICC”, “STDs”, “Gram”;
  3. “Show archived samples” button — enables/disables the display of samples from the archive;
  4. “Filter” button — adds sample filters:
    • “Pathology flag” — filtering by pathology flag;
    • “ID” — filtering by ID;
    • “Sample Date” — filtering by collection date;
    • “Validation Date” — filtering by sample validation date;
    • “Note” — filtering by comments;
  5. Quality control tab switching panel — buttons for switching quality control tabs, the set of tabs depends on the type of sample selected;
  6. “Report” button — displays the quality control report for the samples selected in the table;
  7. Table of samples — allows selecting samples to display data and compile a report;
  8. Table of results — displays data on the selected sample:
    • “Object Type” — cell types found during the scan;
    • “Before” — initial number of objects;
    • “Identified” — number of correctly identified objects;
    • “Now” — number of objects after validation;
    • “Sensitivity” — diagnostic sensitivity;
    • “Specificity” — diagnostic specificity;
    • “Efficiency” — diagnostic efficiency;
    • “FPR” — proportion of false positives;
    • “FNR” — proportion of false negatives.

Контроль качества по пробе Pap, вкладка “QC by Pat/Norm”

For Pap, Pap ICC and STDs samples, an additional “QC by Pat/Norm” tab is available (highlighted in red frame on the image above). The results table shows the results of the classification of the sample by the following parameters:

  • “TP” (True Positive) — there is at least one pathological object correctly identified as pathological;
  • “FP” (False Positive) — there is at least one non-pathological object incorrectly identified as pathological;
  • “TN” (True Negative) — non-pathological objects are identified correctly, there are no pathological objects;
  • “FN” (False Negative) — pathological objects are not correctly identified, pathological objects are present;
  • “DSn” — diagnostic sensitivity;
  • “DSp” — diagnostic specificity.