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To create a new discussion or participate in an existing one, click on the "Discussion" button in the menu on the left.

Страница “Discussion”

To make a new entry, click the "Add" button.

Окно добавления новой записи

Enter the text of your entry in the text field. If you need to attach an image, click the "Browse" button and select the file on your device. After that, click the "Send" button, and your entry will be published.


The size of the attached image file cannot exceed 2 MB. Supported file extensions: “.jpg”, ”.jpeg”, “.png”, “.gif”.

Значки «Мне нравится», «Добавить комментарий»

To mark a post or a comment that you like, click on the "Like" icon (1, 3). The number next to the icon will increase, and the icon will be highlighted in darker color.

To comment on an entry, click on the "Add Comment" icon (2).

Добавление комментария

Enter your comment and if necessary attach an image by clicking the "Browse" button and selecting the file on your device. Click the "Send" button and your comment on the entry will be published.


The size of the attached image file cannot exceed 2 MB. Supported file extensions: “.jpg”, ”.jpeg”, “.png”, “.gif”.